Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, we would be at Memaw's and the topic of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation would never fail to come up. Uncle Tim would always associate me with the "Aunt Bethany" on the movie and he would tell me to "Say thaaaa blessing". We always got a good laugh out of that one.
I remember one Sunday after church at Daisy when I was a pre-teen, we stopped at the Self Creek Restaurant (which is no longer there, it's a shame) and Lindsey and I were talking about bands. We happened to be discussing The Smashing Pumpkins and Uncle Tim said "you have got to be kidding. that's the name of a band?" and he laughed. We thought he was crazy for not knowing who we were talking about, and he proceeded to show us up with crazy band names. He said, "well, have you ever heard of Toad and the Wet Sprocket" I died laughing and never did believe him that it was a real band until I saw a commercial on tv a long time later advertising the band.
Uncle Tim has always had a warm hug or firm handshake for those he meets. He likes David Letterman. He ALWAYS has something funny to say. He is a Christian. He is a dad. He is a husband. He is a grandpa. He is a hard worker. He is a provider. He is a son. He is a brother. He is an uncle. He is a cousin. He is a friend. He is a wonderful man.
My Uncle Tim calls me "Bet" and he calls my mom "Pup Head". He has a name for everyone! :o)
Please pray for peace. Pray for all of those that will be left behind. Pray that he does not hurt. Help us all to remember the wonderful life he has lived. I can not imagine the wonderful memories that Pam, Lindsey, Zack, and all of his childhood friends have. I didn't get to see him as often as we got older. But I know when we were all together there was never a dull moment. So I know that there are so many stories of his past.
I have no doubt that Tim is a man of God and he knows where he is going. He has been a servant to the Lord.
Uncle Tim, you better believe I will be saying "tha blessing" and thinking of you everytime that I do. I love you.
God bless.
What a sweet tribute! It is comforting as Christians to have our faith when facing death; but it still hurts. I will pray for your family!
He is a tribute to his own life by the way he is handling his fate. His faith in the Lord shines as we see how assured he is that he is ready to go. We aren't ready to give him up at such a young age. Thank God for his blessings in letting us have Tim in our lives for as long as we have, and seeing his example of strength and caring for those around him even in his last days. His fun loving attitude is very comforting as we know that he is struggling for every minute that the Lord gives to him. I pray that my faith will continue to be as strong when I am faced with the same situation. How wonderful to be able to remember him joking with us and all the laughter he brings to our lives! The Bible tells us that we may entertain angels unaware. Believe me, uncle Tim will truly be "entertaining" the angels. They are in for a real treat!!
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