And here she is now, May 29, on her last day of Kindergarten.
I can not believe her first year of school is over. It seems like she just started. And it sure does not feel like I have been a stay at home mom for a year. My last day at my old job was on May 31, 2008 and my first day at my new job is going to be June 1, 2009. A year to the day. And Alex was also able to switch over to the litigation department at CTEH and will no longer travel like he used to. He found out last week that he got the job! We are so thrilled and look forward to the balance of parental responsibilities.
Abi has grown and learned so much this school year. She had amazing teachers, Mrs. Jacks and Ms White. We both look forward to First Grade and to Makayla beginning her adventures in school as well.
We kicked off my last weekend as a "free person" (ha ha) with a cook out. There were chicken kabobs, ribs, corn on the cob, and potatoes. We had a good time out on the deck.
It has been an amazingly beautiful weekend as well.
And today we got out the little blow up swimming pool. Olivia is "Little Swimmer" free! She is potty trained. She has pee pee accidents every once in a while, but she is doing SO good.
Alex picked up this crazy caterpillar thing that slings water all over. The kids liked it for a minute. They had more fun with me chasing them with the water hose.
I heart this picture of Abi. She was laughing because Alex handed her the kinked water hose so that he could bend down and fix the caterpillar squirter and she unkinked it (on my command) so that it scared the crap out of him. She has the best smile.
Here is Makayla with our little dog Teddy. We are packing Teddy up to go live with a little old man that needs a good friend. Abi and KayKay cried and were sad that Teddy is leaving. We explained that he is going to someone that will play with him more than we are able to and eventually they were talking to Teddy about his new daddy, Kermit.
They had a great time in the pool, but the older two have outgrown it. I couldn't convince them of that, so they played in it anyway.
We have had a great weekend and it's not even over yet! We are all sunburned, except for Alex. Have a great night and I hope I continue to be a faithful blog poster after I return to civilization outside of home.