Monday, September 27, 2010

Just For Today


I am trying so much to be completely involved in these few precious moments that I have left with my little ones being little.  Olivia was a giggle box as I played with her while trying to get her to give me a kiss good night. It probably won't be too much longer before she could care less if I give her a night night kiss ( and will probably kill me for saying "night night kiss").  She is riding in a "big girl booster seat" now and I have never seen her so proud. She went into a stall by herself in a public restroom for the first time this week. These things may mean nothing to you, but they are all little pieces of my baby growing up to me.

Makayla was so proud to talk about how she learned that alcohol and cigarettes are bad for you today at school. And she talked all about how they saw some magic tricks too. I was thinking while she was telling me this that I pray that she remembers these lessons and sticks to her belief that these things are harmful. She has this wild crazy laugh that I absolutely love about her. She is really excited right now because she is going to take a break from gymnastics and wants to try basketball. I think she is mainly excited because she knows how happy this will make her daddy. One less cheerleader is a MAJOR plus to him.

And my dear sweet Abi. She is so incredibley motivated to accomplish things and to do them well. She loves her cheerleading and being able to help other people. I think she is going to be such a generous giver as she grows up. She cares deeply for other people and has a genuine concern for them.

I have to take a step back sometimes and realize that each day with these kiddos is purely precious. They are changing before my very eyes and I am in awe of the people they are becoming. Oh goodness, here come the momma tears just typing this.

I am enjoying my time at home with them so much. I know that they are going to keep growing and changing. So I guess my prayer tonight will be that I will soak up every second with them and hang on to the joy and fun we are having along the way.
Olivia and her new gang of gymnastics pals.
(Olivia was already friends with the little lady in the middle. They went to Ms Lisa's together)

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